Making some changes

Hey there, it’s me again! I’m making lots of changes around here, and I’m going to be blogging again regularly. No, really.

Meanwhile, what do you think of the new look? I am in need of some honest feedback. I think it looks better this way. But what do you think?

Here are some cute pictures, mostly from Easter:

Wally Eats

This is a post

about Wally learning to self-feed

Using honey wheat pretzels he dips in apple sauce

That I hope to find time to edit with more text later. But if I don’t get around to editing it, at least you have some great photos of a little guy who is learning stuff.

PS I didn’t teach him how to do this, he just figured it out. All I do is make sure that he doesn’t throw the bowl of apple sauce.


Totally Blew it Off

I completely blew off blogging for two days! The first day was a complete accident, I just forgot. Then yesterday I was gonna, and I was gonna, and I was gonna, and then I just thought, nah. Hahaha. Anyway, I’ve been kind of running around in circles trying to get stuff done the last couple of days, because there is so much to be done this week, but of course not a lot is getting done. The main thing I managed to do was to make the switch from Time Warner to DirecTV. Well, the wheel is in motion. The folks are coming on Thursday to set us up. Let’s just say that Time Warner could not retain me. They have this kind of b*llshit policy where they can’t tell you how much your bill will be, should you change up your service. I was like, “Well, what if I disconnect the VOIP phone service, but kept everything else, then how much would my bill be?” Answer: “You will have to call back when your service is disconnected to see what promotions are running then.” Me: “WHAAAAAA? You can’t tell me how much my bill would be?” They: “no, because there may be different promotions on that day (5 days from now), and we wouldn’t want to give you the wrong figure.” Well, that is just bad policy. So we are leaving TW for tv and phone, but we are keeping Roadrunner internet because it is much, much faster than what DirecTV could offer. Bottom line is that we will be getting more for less. And that is good.

Here are pictures of children. First, Genny’s school picture, which I like a lot. Her school (Murray school) went with Carlton Hubbard Photo, which I think was a great move. The color is great on the pic, and it’s just a great job of a school photo. Friends and family, if you want a hard copy or a digital copy, hit me up at my email or on Facebook and I will get one to ya.

Okay, the girls were playing outside today, and when they do, Walt likes to press his face up to the open door and watch. I managed to get some pics


Don’t you just love those? They’re great. HE’S GREAT! Such a sweet boy. Here he is eating a cookie. Actually, not even a whole cookie. ACTUALLY it was a mere 1/16 fragment of a cookie. But he maximized the mess:Okay, now back to playing outside. Atha was playing some game where she was a mermaid or something who was hiding in the kelp, and I managed to get this scamp in the woods shot, which I love: And of course all raucous parties must come to an end. Children become tired, get overwhelmed, and upset each other Now the day has come to an end and I must go to sleep. Tomorrow at 9 am is my conference with Gen’s teaching team! WOW, we’re going to talk about the transition. EEP. Remind me not to forget the draft of her IEP they sent me. Actually, maybe I’ll put it and my notebook in my purse right now. Oh, this reminds me that I spoke to Mrs. Bear, the teaching assistant who was in Atha’s PreK class, and she says she’s nearly positive that they have Gen in their class, which makes me feel a whole lot better. I think Genny remembers them a bit, and I really like them. So I think it’s going to be alright.

On that note, TO BED!!!



Speedy Saturday

For all I did today (like, nothing) I am now out of time. Day-um. It’s my turn to be the daycare person at church tomorrow, and all the kids REALLY need baths (alright, EDIT-I just re read this, and I realize it looks like I plan on bathing the little church children. I am not. I just meant that I had to bathe my children so they will be clean for church. I could have edited this out, but I’m not because I just find it very, very funny).

Today, Walter officially started breakin’ stuff. Atha came running in the living room, screaming “WALLY’S BREAKING THE HOUSE!! IT’S DANGEROUS!!!” I need me some baby gates. Krap.

Here’s a layout I made today about leaves. It’s fall, 2011 and I am officially obsessed with leaves. It’s true. I used.. wow, a lot of things. The background paper is from In the Moment Papers by NRJ, the paper on top of that was made with my photo and Mixed 3 Madness Workshop by NRJ, the paper leaves are from Leaf Palooza by NRJ, the paint dipped leaves are from Dippers by creashens, leaf alpha is Fallin’ in love alpha by Ju Kneipp Designs, real leaves are from Autumn Sonata by Paula Kesselring, the photo is made wrinkly with Worn photo overlays 5 by Something Blue Studios, and the other alpha I made using the background paper and some cu alpha templates that are by Paula Kesselring and that I think are retired. It’s just a whole bunch of messing around.

And, you know, I gotta be off. Sorry about the brevity. But once again, I BLOGGED!!!


This post goes to 11- by now I’m a little bit tired of that myself, actually

Yes, yes, yes. It was Nigel Tufnel day. It was one louder. It was Veteran’s Day. Thank you for your service. It was cold! The girls went outside to play at one point, and both were back inside within a few minutes. Even Genny, who doesn’t feel the cold. Funny thing, she told me she she had a “sun bird,” meaning sunburn, of course. Her nose and fingers must have been tickling, and she mistook that for the sensation of a sun burn? Don’t know.

I have plenty of cuteness today. The girls have been spending lots of time listening to They Might be Giants videos on You Tube. I find a nice playlist, and they will watch for hours. They will watch the song “Blood mobile” over and over again. Anyway, Walter has been “dancing,” it’s adorable. All he does is kind of bop. Not even to the beat. But it’s definitely a reaction to the music. I tried to make a video of him doing it with my phone, but immediately when he saw me holding my phone up he started cheezin’ for the camera. That’s his daddy right there. The video is still super cute. Check ‘er out.

In honor of Nigel Tufnel, I put Walt in a Rock and Roll shirt, and he fell asleep while eating brown rice and sweet potato fries. He was all partied out. I made this layout using eNKay Design’s Boys will be boys collab with Find Your Bliss Designs.

And I also wanted to share these photos with you. Atha wrote a letter to Santa yesterday, and we made this envelope, added a stamp, and mailed it. This is the first time I have ever facilitated doing that. I wonder what happened to it. Whatever, I release it to the universe! It’s mystical! Anyway, here is a photo series documenting it. Atha with her envelope. I used Mixed 3 Madness by NRJ on two out of three of these photos, btw. I just love Nancie’s overlays. Here she is putting the envelope in the slot (no overlay on this one) And this is the best part, yes this is the best part! On the way back from the box, she was so excited she JUMPED FOR JOY. Now SANTA had better get some things from that list! The list was heavy with the mini Lalaloopsy side of the force, just in case you are out there, Santa!


You ARE out there, right Santa?

Sweet Sunday

I’m about some with this day of the week alliteration thing. But yeah, another blog post is suffering today because of finals. I have an awesome photo series for you tomorrow. I took some time after church to watch the girls put on a “concert,” and it was awesome, very rock and roll. But I just didn’t have time for church, and the concert, and finals. You know, priorities! The final paper is moving right along, I should be able to get it finished right on time tomorrow. My next class is Fitness for Optimal Living, and I am really looking forward to it. I think it’s going to be much more fun than this boring Public Health class.

Anyhoozle. That’s really all I gots. Till tomorrow!

Futile Friday

Or should I say, fecal Friday? I know, gross, gross. But most of the day, Walt was really grouchy because he was constipated, and the he pooped like three little stinky poops. Then he finally pooped a big stinky poop, and he felt much better.
I know you probably didn’t come here to talk about poop. You came here for cute kid pics or something scrapbook-related. I don’t have any of that today.
Let’s talk about poop some more.
You know when you are working on potty training, especially with a special needs kid, and they try to do the ol’ #2 all by themselves? And the whole process involves multiple bathrooms, and their clothes, and a towel? We had that happen today, too.
I was trying to write my final paper about childhood obesity today. Specifically, childhood obesity in the American South and how it relates to public health. But instead I was knee deep in poo.
Then Vince messaged me on Facebook, and he is in pain, says he feels like there’s a knife stabbing him in the knee. I’m a bad wife, because immediately I say, “yeah, okay.” those of you who know Vince get it. He’s a great guy who is a complete baby when it comes to pain. Like, call the waaambulance type crying baby. But this may just be the time that he means it. He seems to really have hurt himself. Says the sick call attendants suspect he may have torn a cruciate ligament. Part of me was like, “oh please, oh please” (again, a bad wife) because I thought that surely if he needed surgery he would have to come home. But, maybe not. That’s why we have Germany, after all.

Anyway, that was today. I’m typing this from bed on my iPad, which is why there are no photos. Also, if this looks weird, that’s why. It’s also why I’m d.u.n. done. Trying to get the kids to sleep so I can hopefully have a full day of paper writing tomorrow.
Wish me luck for a Successful Saturday!

CatScrap DSD Blog Hop!

Hooray hooray you’ve come to the right place! I made this QP for you using the lovely My Life collab. Check it out!

Here’s the page I made:Here’s your QP! Click on the image to be whisked away to 4 shared to download:

You’ve come here from FLOR’S BLOG 

Your next stop is ELAINE’S BLOG

If you get confused, hit the CAT SCRAP BLOG  

Alright, scoot! You’ve got sales to get to!












It didn’t matter, so I didn’t do it!

But today is the first day of NaBloPoMo, or National Blog Posting Month, and I’m doing it again, for realz this time. As was kindly pointed out in one of my comments, one needn’t use BlogHer as a host for NaBloPoMo, you can cross post as you like. So I’m putting myself on the blog post, and I’m gonna post blog.. posts.

Or I’m going to try. Because I don’t want to get overwhelmed. That’s what happened last month. I got overwhelmed, stressed out, freaked out, what have you. I don’t like being that way, in fact I just super really hate it. I don’t like being around people with that kind of frantic energy, and I don’t like putting it out, either. So I’m going to blog, because I like it. And I’m going to work on not getting overwhelmed. That’s what I’m going to do. SMILE 🙂

Last night was Halloween! It was cold and rainy. Yuk. Of course today was chilly but sunny and otherwise gorgeous. Whaddayagonna do? We went over to the Riggle’s house (our friends) so that we could both give out and receive candy. I don’t like it when people just go door to door to grab candy without giving any in return. Liberal to the core, right? Oh whatever. Anyway, that’s what we did. Here’s Atha, dressed rather boringly as Strawberry Shortcake, checking out her haul:

And Genny, dressed as an uninspired yet bespectacled Tinkerbell inspecting da goodz:

And here is Wally, dressed as the pink nightmare aka the pig bunny, trying to steal candy from friend Addie’s bucket:Because we took away his candy, I feel the urge to do a little creative editing and say that this picture was taken next:but it’s totally not true. This picture was taken a couple of days earlier. However, this picture was taken today when I noticed Genny was trying to eat every single one of her lollipops at once. She was not pleased when I took away her candy cauldron. She said I was spoiling her lollipop party: Notice she’s holding three lollipops already, all of which I later yanked out of the rug. MmmMMmMmMm, rug pops.

Okay, it’s time to get the girls in the bath, and then watch Reggie Watts on last night’s Conan through the  magic of DVR.. man, I’ve been toying with the idea of giving up cable, but I LIIIIIIKEE it. That was whining.

OH and one more thing, we got the ticket today for Quinn to get here for Thanksgiving. Yippee! Okay, blog on blog eaters.




I ordered Domino’s for dinner tonight. And Atha ate 1/2 medium pepperoni and mushroom pizza. I FAIL!

But man, you should have seen how happy those processed, sodium and fat-filled, money sucking attrocities made my kids. SOOO HAPPY!

So, you know, moderation and whatnot.

Also, I made the mistake of updating my iPad to iOS 5 today, and that ate my time like a hungry gorilla. HOW COME WHEN I TRY TO ACCESS iCLOUD, IT TELLS ME I CAN’T ACCESS iCLOUD????

Consequently, I had no time to puree the cauliflower I cooked earlier, I barely had time to start my homework, and I did not have time to blog.

Oh but this just in, I talked to Vince earlier, and he sounds good, he really does. He’s going to have some access to the internet pretty soon, so he’ll be able to check his facebook. So go ahead and send him messages and whatnot.

So there we go. I fail. Or rather iFail. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
