Finally done with that final!

Whew, I did it! Turned in that damned final. It feels good! It was tough, because, as you can see, I was constantly interrupted by pests. Adorable, adorable pests: But now I start my next class. I’m actually really looking forward to this class. It’s called “Personal Fitness and Wellness for Optimal Living.” Also, I just noticed that Jamie Oliver’s Ted Talk is part of the required viewing. Can do, Teach! I just love Jamie Oliver.

Okay anyway. Yesterday I promised you the rawk. So here is your rawk.

Yesterday, the girls held an extremely exclusive concert. The guests were myself, Walter, and some carefully handpicked fans. Here’s a picture of the crowd. As you can see, it was a sit-down affair, no smelly mosh pit for this show.Everybody has a seat. Atha is warming up here in this photo. Here’s how Genny warms up. She’s a little bit more punk rock to Atha’s Diva. That’s right, she opens up by having a drink. The concert started out with some lovely horns:As you can see, Gen’s still got her drink. Maybe she had too much, because she slowly became unsatisfied with her sister’s performance: Before long, it was a full-on Davies/Gallagher situation:(Atha’s still smiling, don’t worry.) The crowd loves a bit of drama:Atha had to finish the show alone, but as you can see, she was totally game:And there you have it!


Sweet Sunday

I’m about some with this day of the week alliteration thing. But yeah, another blog post is suffering today because of finals. I have an awesome photo series for you tomorrow. I took some time after church to watch the girls put on a “concert,” and it was awesome, very rock and roll. But I just didn’t have time for church, and the concert, and finals. You know, priorities! The final paper is moving right along, I should be able to get it finished right on time tomorrow. My next class is Fitness for Optimal Living, and I am really looking forward to it. I think it’s going to be much more fun than this boring Public Health class.

Anyhoozle. That’s really all I gots. Till tomorrow!

Semi-Successful Saturday

I’m about 3/8 of the way finished with my paper. Done enough that I feel pretty confident going to church tomorrow for All Saints day. We’re bringing pictures of our “saints,” which reminds me, I need to go grab a pic of Atha and Walter from Facebook. No, not little Atha and little Walter, but their namesakes. Well, Walt was named after two fellas, but the one on my side of the family was married to Atha. Here they are: They are fine folks, aren’t they? Ah, xoxoxoxoxo, Atha and Walt!

In other news, I received two awesome deliveries today. Here I am sporting them both:The necklace is by my fabulous friend Christine Scott, aka Guépard Couture Accessories. I really wish she’d update her page so I could send people there to buy her stuff, it’s seriously incredibly fab. LOVE this necklace! The shirt is, well, from the Campaign for Southern Equality who are responsible for the We Do campaign, which… well, take a look:  The ladies who have been together for 25 years get me every time. These people are so courageous, and I will stand up and support them in any way I can. Including giving them a donation and wearing this t-shirt.

Actually, I am rocking the t-shirt, just a bit, aren’t I? If I do say so myself.
Okay sorry for two days in a row with no kid pics, but c’est la finals.



Futile Friday

Or should I say, fecal Friday? I know, gross, gross. But most of the day, Walt was really grouchy because he was constipated, and the he pooped like three little stinky poops. Then he finally pooped a big stinky poop, and he felt much better.
I know you probably didn’t come here to talk about poop. You came here for cute kid pics or something scrapbook-related. I don’t have any of that today.
Let’s talk about poop some more.
You know when you are working on potty training, especially with a special needs kid, and they try to do the ol’ #2 all by themselves? And the whole process involves multiple bathrooms, and their clothes, and a towel? We had that happen today, too.
I was trying to write my final paper about childhood obesity today. Specifically, childhood obesity in the American South and how it relates to public health. But instead I was knee deep in poo.
Then Vince messaged me on Facebook, and he is in pain, says he feels like there’s a knife stabbing him in the knee. I’m a bad wife, because immediately I say, “yeah, okay.” those of you who know Vince get it. He’s a great guy who is a complete baby when it comes to pain. Like, call the waaambulance type crying baby. But this may just be the time that he means it. He seems to really have hurt himself. Says the sick call attendants suspect he may have torn a cruciate ligament. Part of me was like, “oh please, oh please” (again, a bad wife) because I thought that surely if he needed surgery he would have to come home. But, maybe not. That’s why we have Germany, after all.

Anyway, that was today. I’m typing this from bed on my iPad, which is why there are no photos. Also, if this looks weird, that’s why. It’s also why I’m d.u.n. done. Trying to get the kids to sleep so I can hopefully have a full day of paper writing tomorrow.
Wish me luck for a Successful Saturday!

CatScrap DSD Blog Hop!

Hooray hooray you’ve come to the right place! I made this QP for you using the lovely My Life collab. Check it out!

Here’s the page I made:Here’s your QP! Click on the image to be whisked away to 4 shared to download:

You’ve come here from FLOR’S BLOG 

Your next stop is ELAINE’S BLOG

If you get confused, hit the CAT SCRAP BLOG  

Alright, scoot! You’ve got sales to get to!












Thirsty Thursday?

I was thinking that there’s “Wordless Wednesday,” but what’s Thursday? The only thing I could think of was Thirsty Thursday, but sorry, no $1 beers here. Nobody’s thirsty except for Walter, who is actually nursing as I type. Talk about your multi-tasking, right?

Busy busy busy over here, and it’s not getting any better. Over the weekend, I have to write my final paper for my public health class. I’m actually not really stressed about it. Go figure. Especially considering the freakazoid I’ve been of late. On top of it all, tomorrow is Digi Scrap Day. Yeah. I know. But I digi scrap! So it’s bad timing, but we’ll live, we’ll make it out the other end okay.

Mom made a sweater for Wally and we got it in the mail today. Of course, I had to put it on him so he could model it for pictures.But big sister Genny was right there, and of course she had to get in on the action.In other Walter news, Walt loves to bite this one particular backpack that the girls have. By “loves,” I mean he is compelled to do it, but it frustrates him for some reason. I don’t know what it is, but something about it is deeply frustrating for him. It is his white whale. See the baby angst:And no, don’t worry, I don’t let him play with that cord unsupervised. Anyway, the thing with Wally is, his default position is happy. So as I was taking his picture, his mood improved:Tell me- how do you stay stressed out with that face around you?

Well, I’m just dropping some sweet pictures on you and flying tonight. I have to put together a blog hop post for tomorrow. Come back if you want some awesome digiscrap quick pages! Cat Scrap is having a blog hop! YAHOOOOO!

Cautiously Optimistic?

Gen’s birthday is November 28th, so it is in November that we have the distinct pleasure of her IEP meeting. That sounds a lot more snarky than it really is; Gen’s IEP meeting has never been a big problem. For those of you not in the know, an IEP, or Individualized Education Plan, is the official document for your special needs child’s academic year. It states all of the goals for the year, and designates how many hours are going to be devoted to meeting those goals, and how it’s all gonna play out. It’s a legal document. Certain people must be present. Also, the parent can dispute it, and can request that it be modified at any time. We’ve never had a problem with Gen’s, mostly because she usually does pretty well, and almost always has the same general goals. Toilet training. Class participation. Fine motor skills. Gen has a lot of strengths, especially academically. She has a great memory for details, and loves to be read to, and most often likes to participate in crafty stuff. She usually doesn’t get angry with her classmates, and does a fairly good job of following her teacher’s instructions. Like many kids, she reserves her worst behavior for dear old Mom and dad, plus her siblings. Which is probably for the best, otherwise going out would be worse than it is already. Anyway, normally the annual meeting is just kind of a check the box affair.  But I got an email from her teacher today suggesting that we move her to the typically developing Preschool after Winter break. She’s been spending some time in the typical classroom next door, and is doing great. She will have special ed advisers for help with speech therapy and toilet training (which she’s actually doing great with lately, the switch finally seems to have flipped on that one!) and she will continue to have an IEP so that if she regresses she can transition back to special ed.

I’m happy, I really am! I’m excited! You want your kid to do their best, and you want them to have every possible opportunity. Let’s face it, there are more opportunities afforded to people who are educated within the typical classroom than in the special ed classroom, for the most part. This is not a comment on special ed. I have huge buckets of respect for most special ed teachers, and for the program Gen’s been in, and I give it a big thumbs up. But what I mean is that really truly most parents would prefer their children to be able to be in the regular classroom. Myself included.

However, I’m so torn. I’m nervous for her. I hope she’s ready. She’s been with her current teachers and most of the same students for at least two, some of them three, years now. Two of the little girls she likes most have Down’s Syndrome, and will likely not be moving into the typical classroom soon. This year, the special ed program at our local elementary school closed, and Gen’s bussed to a different school. Just so happens, that the typical classroom she has been visiting is also the classroom of Addie, who you may remember from yesterday’s post. When Gen transitions, she’ll be coming back to our local school. So she’ll have an unfamiliar teacher and a whole new crew of unfamiliar students. She’ll probably still be in a pull-up. There is every reason to believe that she will continue to grimace when she’s stressed out. She will probably still suck her thumb when she’s tired, or needs comfort. She will still have problems eating food that is touching other food, and she won’t like it when some cabinet doors are open but others are closed. She will continue to scream and hit when she gets confused, and I can’t see that she will stop being confused.

So am I happy she’s transitioning? Of course I am. And I think it’s a good thing she’s doing so now, in preschool, when kids are still learning the ropes of school, and are mostly non judgmental. When they still have potty accidents, and nobody is expected to be able to write his or her name. But I am a mom, and I’m protective, and I don’t want her to be made fun of, or ostracized, or otherwise bullied. I want her to be able to explore the wold in the way that feels safe for her. And I think she can probably do it. But, what if she can’t? Will she suffer if she “fails?” Because I wouldn’t see it as failure, but will she? Probably not. She’ll probably do just fine.

Which is why you could say I am cautiously optimistic.

Any comments anybody might have regarding this kind of transition would be super duper welcome. Thanks!


It didn’t matter, so I didn’t do it!

But today is the first day of NaBloPoMo, or National Blog Posting Month, and I’m doing it again, for realz this time. As was kindly pointed out in one of my comments, one needn’t use BlogHer as a host for NaBloPoMo, you can cross post as you like. So I’m putting myself on the blog post, and I’m gonna post blog.. posts.

Or I’m going to try. Because I don’t want to get overwhelmed. That’s what happened last month. I got overwhelmed, stressed out, freaked out, what have you. I don’t like being that way, in fact I just super really hate it. I don’t like being around people with that kind of frantic energy, and I don’t like putting it out, either. So I’m going to blog, because I like it. And I’m going to work on not getting overwhelmed. That’s what I’m going to do. SMILE 🙂

Last night was Halloween! It was cold and rainy. Yuk. Of course today was chilly but sunny and otherwise gorgeous. Whaddayagonna do? We went over to the Riggle’s house (our friends) so that we could both give out and receive candy. I don’t like it when people just go door to door to grab candy without giving any in return. Liberal to the core, right? Oh whatever. Anyway, that’s what we did. Here’s Atha, dressed rather boringly as Strawberry Shortcake, checking out her haul:

And Genny, dressed as an uninspired yet bespectacled Tinkerbell inspecting da goodz:

And here is Wally, dressed as the pink nightmare aka the pig bunny, trying to steal candy from friend Addie’s bucket:Because we took away his candy, I feel the urge to do a little creative editing and say that this picture was taken next:but it’s totally not true. This picture was taken a couple of days earlier. However, this picture was taken today when I noticed Genny was trying to eat every single one of her lollipops at once. She was not pleased when I took away her candy cauldron. She said I was spoiling her lollipop party: Notice she’s holding three lollipops already, all of which I later yanked out of the rug. MmmMMmMmMm, rug pops.

Okay, it’s time to get the girls in the bath, and then watch Reggie Watts on last night’s Conan through the  magic of DVR.. man, I’ve been toying with the idea of giving up cable, but I LIIIIIIKEE it. That was whining.

OH and one more thing, we got the ticket today for Quinn to get here for Thanksgiving. Yippee! Okay, blog on blog eaters.


It Just Doesn’t Matter!

Say it with me! It just doesn’t matter! Even if I MADE unprocessed dinners for the month of October it wouldn’t matter because my kids would still eat school lunches and cheetos at their friend’s houses, and they are still going to go trick or treating soon, and will eat their weights in processed sugar! And they would probably die of whole wheat pasta and chicken toxicity anyway. IT JUST DOESN’T MATTER!

I’ve given up on Unprocessed October for the time being. I’ve given up because I have enough to worry about, and the overabundance of obligations I have given myself has caused me to forget the things that DO matter. For instance, yesterday when I was stressing about iOS 5, and blogging, and what to make for dinner, I forgot Genny’s Occupational Therapy appointment… for the second time since Vince left. And the office called me and told me that they were putting Genny on the waiting list in favor of activating a client who will show up. I was so totally distraught because, if you remember from a few days ago, SHE NEEDS HER THERAPIES now more than ever. I called them back and begged them to keep us, and they agreed. But, you know, some things have got to go. And Unprocessed October is one of them.

I really enjoy blogging, though, so I do want to continue to blog most days. But I’m not going to force myself to do it every day, and I’m not going to limit myself to a specific topic.

So there you go.

Meanwhile, here’s something funny. Genny’s naked. Because she will pee in the potty if she is naked. This is HUGE to me!! She’s almost 5, and her toileting has been a huge concern. So any way to get her to respond to her body’s cues is fine with me. While we are at home, she can be naked.

On the other kids front, Wally wants to stand up SOOO BADDD! Check this out: Look at that sweet boy! Now look at this: Super happy and proud! See that giant shadow stage left? My big damn cat kept putting herself between me and Walt. And if you doubt her immensity, doubt no more: I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. When Gravy sits around the house, she sits AROUND the house!

Tomorrow we have the first real Girl Scout meeting with me as co-leader. Wish me luck! I’ll let you know how it goes.

Till then, remember.




I ordered Domino’s for dinner tonight. And Atha ate 1/2 medium pepperoni and mushroom pizza. I FAIL!

But man, you should have seen how happy those processed, sodium and fat-filled, money sucking attrocities made my kids. SOOO HAPPY!

So, you know, moderation and whatnot.

Also, I made the mistake of updating my iPad to iOS 5 today, and that ate my time like a hungry gorilla. HOW COME WHEN I TRY TO ACCESS iCLOUD, IT TELLS ME I CAN’T ACCESS iCLOUD????

Consequently, I had no time to puree the cauliflower I cooked earlier, I barely had time to start my homework, and I did not have time to blog.

Oh but this just in, I talked to Vince earlier, and he sounds good, he really does. He’s going to have some access to the internet pretty soon, so he’ll be able to check his facebook. So go ahead and send him messages and whatnot.

So there we go. I fail. Or rather iFail. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
