Addie’s Princess Party

Past few days I have been beyond busy. Just running around, trying to get stuff done, and not really doing it. Lots of bustle. Not a lot of substance. Tons of frustration. Switching our cable provider, trying to get the truck inspected (but there keeps being a long line) going to multiple parent teacher conferences, stuff like that. Going to the store and forgetting why I went. LOLLERSKATES. I have a powerpoint about obesity due on Monday that I haven’t started. But at this point I know so much about obesity I could probably wing it. I was telling somebody today that at this point I can’t let myself get fat again because it will have been an education wasted. Anyway.

Today was Addie Riggle’s birthday party with a princess theme. I guess you could say the girls were excited to go. 🙂 My GPS got me lost (probably need to update it), but I got there eventually after calling Clara several times. Anyway, I mention that because, by the time we got there, Walt was out cold. I put him down on a table, and I think he looked hilarious there.Like, “Hey, did somebody lose a baby?” Also, worry you not, I either stood right by him or had another mom do it the whole time he was asleep, and he never once fell off the table. Here’s a sweet close-up:

The girls wore their Princess finest to the party. You know, I never thought I’d allow my daughters to do this, get all crazy over Disney Princesses. Ugh, it’s just kind of crass commercialism, and they are, in some cases, terrible role models. Plus, it’s just not very interesting, is it? But whatever, I guess as I get older I am deciding what is worth becoming indignant over. What’s worth making a stand. And some dress up is not it. Knowwhaddimean? Not that it doesn’t slightly rankle me every time they do it. I mean, when I was their age, my dad was reading me Mark Twain, and my mom was reading me folk tales about Baba Yaga. I just LOVED Baba Yaga. And I’m letting them watch Barbie movies. Again, however, what’s worth kicking myself over, and what’s worth letting slide? Just a thought.

Anyway, here are the girls in their princess finest. First, lovely, fair Atha. Oh, I got her hair cut, by the way. It looks better, doesn’t it? Okay so we have lovely Atha, and we have Genny, who is, once again, a bit more punk rock. 

It was a lot of fun. Clara throws a mean birthday party. They put on nail polish, and made their own lip gloss, and then she made them crazy wild brownie sundaes.In this picture, I like to think Atha is saying, “Oh wow, I don’t think I can finish this.” (She didn’t.) In the next picture, I like to think Genny is saying, “I wish I could lick the plate.” (she didn’t. Thank goodness. But she did eat almost all of it.) 

Here’s another spunky photo of Gen, in which she’s just being casual hanging out. 

Well, I have some more photos for you, but I’m going to save them for tomorrow. This morning at breakfast, Walt figured out how to feed himself his applesauce. It was pretty awesome. But I have to get to bed, so we can go to church tomorrow and then come home and do homework, plus clean up this dump. It’s a big mess. Till then, I’ll leave you with this:Look at that dude!

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